Martine Delvaux
Martine Delvaux is a writer and professor at the Department of Literary Studies at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she teaches women’s studies and feminist theories.
She has published novels, including The Last Bullet Is for You (Linda Leith Publishing, 2016 [2015]), Les cascadeurs de l’amour n’ont pas droit au doublage (Héliotrope, 2011), Bitter Rose (Linda Leith Publishing, 2015 [2009]) et C’est quand le bonheur? (Héliotrope, 2007). She also published essays, including Serial Girls: From Barbie to Pussy Riot (Between the lines, 2016 [2013]) and Nan Goldin: Guerrière et gorgone (Heliotrope, 2014). Her most recent book, a fictional essay on feminist transmission, is entitled Le monde est à toi (Heliotrope, 2017).
Bibliographic selection
Martine Delvaux, “Écriture et nudité. Les femmes de Nelly Arcan et de Vanessa Beecroft”, Tangence, no 103 (2013): 79-91. read
Martine Delvaux, “Poupées”, Globe, vol. 12, no 2 (2009) : 95-107. read
Martine Delvaux, “Présentation. Féministes ? Féministes !”, Spirale, no 247 (2014): 31-34. read
Martine Delvaux, “On ne parle jamais qu’une seule langue … (oui mais): On ne parle jamais une seule langue”, Tessera, vol. 37-38 2005): 51-63. read
Martine Delvaux, “Sophie Calle: Follow me”, Intermédialités, no 7 (2006): 151-164. lire