Marie-Claude Plourde
Marie-Claude first graduated in Architecture from the Université de Montréal and is currently a Ph.D. student in Communication at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). As a response to a few years of practice within the consulting engineering firm Nordic, she decided to undertake graduate studies in communication to deepen her reflection on collaborative processes among the design and planning community.
Her involvement with Association du design urbain du Québec (ADUQ), from 2012 to 2015, strongly fueled her research problematic by increasing her awareness to the presence of citizens and users as key players in any process of planning. This explains her current doctoral reflection over the development of a creative approach to design and planning, considering all the dimensions of a local context – from its cultural identity to its biotopic characteristics, as well as the embodied implication of actors and their contact to matter.
In parallel to her studies, she is currently starting her career as a Design consultant.
You can follow her on Huffington Post Québec and as a guest blogger on D’ici et d’ailleurs, on Kollectif, a web platform addressed to the professionals of architecture and planning.
Bibliographic selection
Marie-Claude Plourde, «Repenser nos modes organisationnelles dans le domaine de la construction: repositionner le “projet” comme un espace communicationnel», COMMposite. La revue électronique des jeunes chercheurs et chercheures en communication, UQAM / Université de Montréal / Concordia, doctorat conjoint en communication (2017): forthcoming.
Marie-Claude Plourde, «H. Frichot et S. Loo, Deleuze and Architecture, Edinburg University Press, 2013», compte rendu de lecture, Appareil (fév. 2017): 5 p. Read
Marie-Claude Plourde, «Qu’est-ce que le développement durable pour les architectes?, Archibooks et Sautereau Éditeur, 2016», Développement durable et territoires, vol. 7, no. 1 (2016): 5 p. Read
Marie-Claude Plourde, «Le projet : lieu et objet d’interdisciplinarité», Communication, Lettres et Sciences du langage, vol. 9, no. 1 (2015): 79-104. Read
Marie-Claude Plourde, Regard sur la collaboration interdisciplinaire pour la réalisation de projets d’architecture durable, mémoire de maîtrise en communication, Université du Québec à Montréal (2014): 162 p. Read