Johanne Charbonneau
Johanne Charbonneau (Ph.D., political sciences) is professor at Université INRS – Centre Urbanisation Culture et Société since 1993. She began her career by working on such topics as life paths, social networks, social and family solidarities, and immigration.
She is the Chairholder of the Research Chair on the Social Aspects of Blood Donation financed by Héma-Québec, the Héma-Québec Foundation and SSHRC since 2009.
She was the director of the Lien Social et Politiques Journal from 2011 to 2017.
Bibliographic selection
Johanne Charbonneau, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Élianne Carrier, and Balia Fainstein, Motivations et carrière des donneurs de plasma et de plaquettes au Québec : rapport final de recherche, INRS Centre – Urbanisation Culture Société, Montréal (2017) : 149 pages. read
Johanne Charbonneau, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, and Élianne Carrier, “Motivational Differences between Whole Blood and Apheresis Donors in Quebec, Canada: A Questionnaire-Based Survey in a Voluntary Non-remunerated Context,” Journal of Blood Transfusion, vol. 2015, Article ID 568259 (2015): 11 pages. read
Johanne Charbonneau, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Anne Quéniart and Nathalie Tran, Le don de sang: un geste social et culturel. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2015.
Johanne Charbonneau, “Le côté sombre du don dans la parenté”, Recherches sociographiques 37, no 1 (1996): 113-130. read
Gaudet, Stéphanie et Johanne Charbonneau, “Responsabilité sociale et politique chez les jeunes femmes”, Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no 37 (2002) : 79-103. read